Sanober Institute


India- US Strategic Partnership : Implications for Pakistan

This discussion focuses on the implications of the evolving India-US strategic partnership for Pakistan.

It delves into the key factors driving this alliance, such as geopolitical considerations and India’s robust economic growth.

The panelists also examine India’s strategic autonomy, the nature of the US-India relationship, and how this partnership affects Pakistan.


  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Kamran Bokhari (New Lines Institute, Washington DC)

Whither Islam in the age of Great Power Politics: Conversation with Professor Akbar S Ahmed

This conversation, featuring insights from renowned scholar Professor Akbar S. Ahmed, will delve into the global theories that shape our understanding of contemporary geopolitics and explore the place of Islam within these frameworks.

We aim to address the feelings of anguish, anxiety, and turbulence prevalent in the Muslim world and examine how these sentiments intersect with the dynamics of great power politics.

The panelists for this thought-provoking dialogue are:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Professor Akbar S. Ahmed (Pakistani-American Academic and Former Diplomat)

Strategy Manifesto for New Government: Security & Foreign Policy Recommendations

Today, we delve into the strategy manifesto developed by the Sanober Institute in collaboration with TMUC and CLAS, and with the insights of around 20 scholars. This comprehensive document, consisting of approximately 50 recommendations, is aimed at guiding the elected government of Pakistan in 2024, and was crafted during the National Conference on Security and Foreign Policy (NSCFP) of Pakistan.

Our distinguished panelists will provide their expert insights:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Ambassador Naghmana Hashmi (Former Ambassador to China)
  • Vice Admiral (R) Khan Hasham Siddique (Founding Director, Sanober Institute)

Indian Elections: Who Will Make Next Govt?

The Indian elections have captured global attention, with speculation rife over the fate of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.
PM Modi’s enduring popularity and relevance in Indian society, particularly his appeal to around 80% of voters through Hindu nationalism, have shaped the narrative.
As the opposition alliance struggles to expand its outreach, the question arises: will PM Modi secure another term or face defeat?
To shed light on this pivotal electoral landscape, the Sanober Institute assembled a distinguished panel comprising:
  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Prof. Dr. Raja Qaiser Ahmed (School of Politics & International Relations, QAU)

Conversation on Middle East, Iran-Israel Conflict : Can Pakistan Trade with Iran?

The Sanober Institute convened a thought-provoking conversation addressing the evolving dynamics of the Middle East.
Key questions under scrutiny included the trajectory of the Middle East conflict, global responses to it, and its repercussions for Pakistan.
Following the recent visit of the Iranian President to Pakistan, the panel examined the direction of bilateral relations.
Furthermore, the discussion sought to unravel the dichotomy in sanctions, contrasting India’s unimpeded oil trade with Russia and Iran against Pakistan’s experiences with sanctions.
The distinguished panelists contributing to this discourse were:
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • M. Ashfaque Arain (Retd. Air Marshal)

Sanober Institute Hosts Book Talk: Exploring Chinese Soft Power & Public Diplomacy in the United States

The Sanober Institute recently facilitated a book talk focusing on “Chinese Soft Power & Public Diplomacy in the United States.” The discussion delved into the essence of Chinese soft power and its manifestation in the realm of public diplomacy, especially within the context of the United States.

The esteemed panelists contributing insights to this nuanced dialogue included:

  • Author: Dr. Bilal Zubair
  • Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Ambassador Naghmana Hashmi (Former Ambassador to China)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)

Sanober Institute Addresses Challenges Facing the Next Government

The challenges confronting the next government in Pakistan loom large on the national and international stage.

From the perspective of the international community, Pakistan’s governance often appears characterized by coalition politics, parliamentary discord, and a myriad of socio-economic and political hurdles, including militancy and civil-military imbalances.

What are the critical challenges lying ahead for Pakistan, and can the political leadership navigate the nation through these turbulent waters?

Insights on this pressing matter were provided by the distinguished panelists:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry (Chairman, Sanober Institute)
  • Vice Admiral (R) Khan Hasham Siddique (Founding Director, Sanober Institute)
  • Dr. Bilal Butt (Assistant Professor at NDU)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)

Election 2024: National Healing or Divided Nation

As Pakistan gears up for the upcoming elections, the pivotal question emerges: are we moving towards national reconciliation or further division? There is a growing consensus on the urgent need for national healing within Pakistan’s political landscape. The call for comprehensive dialogue among stakeholders resonates strongly within Pakistan and beyond. How can we effectively address the escalating political tensions?

Esteemed panelists contributing to this critical discussion include:

  • Adnan Amir (Nikkei Asia Correspondent)
  • Dr. Yaqoob Khan Bangash (Historian)
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema (Executive Director, Sanober Institute)

National Conference on Security and Foreign Policy of Pakistan

We are excited to announce the National Conference on Security and Foreign Policy of Pakistan, a collaborative effort by The Sanober Institute (SI), The Millennium Universal College (TMUC), and the Centre for Law and Security (CLAS).

This conference promises to be a pivotal event, fostering insightful discussions on crucial issues shaping the security and foreign policy landscape of Pakistan.

Pakistan-India Relations: The Estranged Neighbours

Various scholars have explored the sources and obstacles to peace between India and Pakistan, identifying four key ideas:

  1. Opposing ideologies and philosophical systems on both sides.
  2. Strategic and economic asymmetry.
  3. Mindset of hostility.
  4. The unresolved issue of Kashmir, considered a nuclear flashpoint.

Esteemed panelists contributing insights to this complex dynamic include:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema
  • Ambassador Shahid Malik
  • Prof. Dr. Mujeeb Afzal
  • Mateen Haider

Pakistan-Iran Relations: Can Full Potential of Bilateral Cooperation be Realized?

The relationship between Pakistan and Iran holds significant untapped potential, prompting the exploration of avenues to fully realize the opportunities it presents. Given the deep cultural ties between the two nations and their status as neighbors, fostering the optimal relations with Iran is imperative. The following panelists engaged in a comprehensive discussion on this topic:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema
  • Ambassador Riffat Masood
  • Dr. Qandil Abbas
  • Baqir Sajjad

Pakistan-China Relations: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

The alliance between Pakistan and China occupies a central position on Pakistan’s foreign policy agenda, representing a deliberate and longstanding commitment by both nations. The multifaceted nature of this relationship, encompassing geostrategic and political dimensions, was recently illuminated by the Sanober Institute. The distinguished panelists contributing to this discourse were:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema
  • Ambassador Naghmana Hashmi
  • Zoon Ahmed Khan
  • Adnan Aamir

Protests in the UK for Palestine: How is the West Responding to the Muslim Diaspora?

Following the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israel, Israel’s response has been deemed disproportionate, prompting global protests against the loss of innocent lives. The international community, particularly in the West, is now contemplating the implications for liberal values and the Muslim diaspora.

The Sanober Institute recently conducted a thought-provoking discussion on this matter, featuring the insights of:

  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema
  • Mary Hunter

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: Can the Future Be Different From the Past?

Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan have long been characterized by complexities and challenges. The Sanober Institute delved into the difficult dynamics of these two neighboring nations. The panelists provided insights on the intricate challenges posed by political transitions, counter-terrorism imperatives, and the urgent need for regional collaboration.


  • Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry
  • Dr. Qamar Cheema
  • Abdul Basit
  • Anas Mallick

Sanober Institute Inaugural Session

The Sanober Institute held its inaugural session on October 2023. This cornerstone event served as a formal introduction of the organization to the world. It featured prominent speakers from various fields, such as geopolitics, academia, and public policy, providing a forum to discuss the most pressing issues facing Pakistan and South Asia today. The event laid the groundwork for a new era of informed dialogue and policy innovation.
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